What Is a Mail Order Bride?

Updated on Mar 2023
by Natalie Thompson
May 20, 2021 / Updated: 22 Mar 2023
9 mins to read
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A mail order bride is a woman that would like to get married to a foreign man, and they have agreed through various means. Are mail order brides legal? This is the first question that often gets asked when we are discussing this topic. The answer to this is yes, in most countries on the planet, this is perfectly legal and allowed. In fact, this type of marriage has been happening for centuries since as early as the 1800s. So, there is a long history of this, and it has been successful for millions of people all over the world.

They would usually advertise themselves through catalogs through various dating platforms online. Many of these girls come from countries that may not be as developed as the likes of America or the UK. Brides for sale come from a host of countries, many of them are from Slavic countries and Asia.

There are more and more single men using this method of finding marriage, and they do very successfully nowadays. It is one of the most convenient ways of finding your life partner and being happily married with a gorgeous girl from another country.

How Does Mail Order Dating Work?

It is simple, really, and there are lots of fantastic dating platforms that have a number of attractive women looking for love. Men from all over the planet search through these sites looking for an ideal wife. When they find what they are looking for, they can make contact and start a chat room session online.

A mail order bride is a great idea because:

  • They are super sexy looking women
  • You will see their preferences, and you can find one that suits you perfectly
  • It is very convenient and safe as there are checks from both sides
  • These brides are always looking to start a family

Through the many top-class sites, it is easy to get into contact with legal brides online. All that is required is some personal information about yourself and what it is you are searching for. The dating platform will help you find the most suitable bride for your needs.

What Is a Mail Order Bride

What Are The Benefits Of Using Mail Order Brides?

For men using these sites, they get the best of everything. They will see beautiful women who want to meet Western men, as well as women looking for men that they want to start a family with. Once you are happy with a girl that is on a site, you can make contact, and all the fun can begin. Here are a few reasons why buying wives for sale is beneficial:

  • Convenient as you can do everything from your home
  • There are safety checks beforehand
  • Wide selection of fabulous partners
  • You can use your webcam to get to know each other

Matrimonial services save men a lot of time bringing them the best wives possible, so it is the main advantage.

Is It Legit To Look For Mail Order Brides In Your Country?

There are not many countries where girls for marriage are illegal. In fact, the only country we have discovered where it is illegal is the Philippines, yet it happens there frequently as there are ways around this. But in the UK and America, Canada, it is perfectly legal and above board.

Can American Men Buy Mail Order Brides?

Many people ask, are mail order brides legal in the USA? The answer is yes, it is perfectly okay to use dating platforms to find the perfect wife. There are some regulations which must be followed in order to bring a mail order bride over to America.

Do mail order marriages work? The answer is simply yes. They have been successful for many years, and nowadays, there are even more people using them. The reason they work is that women and men want to meet people from another culture and from another nationality.

As there is more demand than ever to find a perfect marriage, such a method of finding a date is more common than ever. So many countries have made mail order brides legal. Are mail order brides a real thing? People sometimes do not believe that there are such things as mail order brides.

Well, it does it exist, and many thousands of people all across the world use this method to find a wife. In fact, there is some evidence to say that using a dating platform to look for a woman that you would like to spend the rest of your life with is more successful than any other method that can be used.

Mail Order Bride Regulations Across The World

Such a way of finding a partner is so common nowadays most people do not worry about being scammed anymore. For those people that do have concerns, there are some things that can be done to eliminate any danger.

  • Check all reviews of the site
  • Make sure that the profile pages look legit and not fake
  • Check that the payment options are reliable and safe
  • Never disclose too much personal data

Customers always want to know are mail order brides legal? You do not need to worry, as we have stated in the article, they are perfectly legal, and you will find many foreigners using these services. It is also very easy to fall in love once you start using dating sites.

Mail order bride legality is something that many clients worry about and is something that once you check the various platforms, you will find is fine. It is perfectly okay to use these services in any country for dating purposes. You will not be arrested or face any fines.

Regulations introduced to protect women:

  • One of the regulations that have been introduced to protect women on dating platforms is the VAWA which is The Violence Against Women Act.
  • Another such regulation is IMBRA which is the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act.

Is Mail Order Brides Legal In The USA?

Yes, it is and has been a great way for lonely men and women who have a lot in common to find happiness. Such a way of dating is common, and many people love to use dating websites to search for their love. Is mail order brides real? Yes, and if you would like to check this out for yourself, you will find how your life can change, and you can meet a great lady.

When you are checking out dating platforms for the most appropriate girl for your needs, you will be amazed at the traditions and values these girls have. These women are down to earth and so very tender and soft. They are looking for a great life with a polite husband who will love them and take care of them.

Where Are Mail Order Brides Illegal?

There are not many countries where mail order brides are illegal. The only country which makes this form of marriage illegal is the Philippines. Even though it is illegal there many people still use mail order brides.

Is mail order bride legal? As we have said throughout this article, yes, it is legal. It is not illegal and is something that is used in many countries to find the perfect partner. People often ask the question, are mail order spouses illegal? Again the answer is no, everything is above board, and there is nothing to worry about.

There is only one country where mail order brides are illegal, and that is the Philippines. Every other country has an open mind to this type of dating service, and it is perfectly legal. It is even legal in China, as many people like to ask how legal are Chinese mail order brides.

Below is a list of the countries where mail order brides are illegal and legal.

Illegal Сountries

  • Philippines

As we have stated earlier, there is only one country where mail order brides are illegal. But the list of countries where you can legally use mail order brides is many, as you can see.

Legal Сountries

  • USA
  • UK
  • Thailand
  • Russia
  • Ukraine
Are Mail Order Brides Legal

Do Mail-Order Marriages Work?

Absolutely. This is a fantastic way to meet and chat with people from all over the world who are looking for the same thing as you are. Are mail order spouse illegal? No, and you can find the love of your life if you search through the thousands of hot women on dating platforms.

Another common question is, “are Russian mail brides real?” They are. Russian women are also keen on looking for an ideal partner, and dating sites are a great way to make their dreams come true. We have found that many Eastern European countries have reliable mail order bride services that offer first-class women for marriage. It is very popular in these countries, and there are some of the most attractive women on these platforms.

When people ask the common question European mail order brides are they legal, the answer is yes. It is not only legal but there are more marriages made through dating sites in Eastern Europe than any other country on earth. It is such an excellent way to meet someone through these sites.

You get to chat online for a little before maybe starting a webcam chat and having some real fun online. Then you can always arrange to meet one on one. You will find that through these platforms, you feel like you know each other before you have even met.

That is the beauty of using these sites to find a perfect match. On top of that, there is so much choice, and many of the platforms offer an algorithm which can match your preferences with other users. When you use a search tool to add exactly what you desire in a partner, you will be matched up with the most suitable person.


Overall, such sites are well worth your time, and they certainly make for successful bonding. In fact, in the latest survey completed on this subject, it was found that arranged marriages on dating platforms have an 80 percent success rate compared to normal marriages, which are less likely to survive. Are mail order brides legal? Hopefully, you can now answer this question when your friends ask you. You can give them all the facts and figures and show them that if you want to have a successful relationship, then looking online for a date will be the best way.

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